Laura Letinsky



JEUNE OTTE: What is your day-to-day like?

LAURA: Like the cat in the hat, juggling multiple plates, balls, fishbowls, etc, until everything tumbles down. And I start again.

JO: Tell us about your artwork.

LAURA:  The indulgence of having been an artist for, well over 40, maybe close to 50 years if you count my childhood, is that I realize how, through my work, I am always wrestling with perfection as a false idol, aiming for it nonetheless and then negotiating how to deal with the gaps, fault lines, and incommensurabilities of life. Primarily I work with pictures, photographs to be exact.

JO: What do you look for in clothing? How should it feel or make you feel?

LAURA: Being a maker, I need clothes to move from studio to garden to administrative meetings to cocktail parties, art openings, and galas.  I like a kind of high and low, the high, gorgeous and sometimes tres cher items, the low, things I make myself or that have endured time such that they are best suited to acquiring more evidence of wear and tear.  The fit, slow vs. fast fashion including  environmentally sourced materials and fair labor are important considerations.  And then, there’s the seduction of a beautiful and beautifully made object.
I respect Jeune Otte’s ethos and design aesthetic, both leaning into each other to make gorgeous wearable, and sound clothes that are for now, as for the long run.  The pieces are classic and match so well with other clothes that they transition well from one event to another.  I’ve gotten so many compliments!



Maggie Peng


Jennefer Hoffmann